Angkor Package Tours - 5 Days
Proposed Tour Itinerary for 5 Days Tour
Example Tour Itinerary
Day 1
AM Breakfast at Central Boutique Angkor Hotel, Restaurant. Visit Roluos Group (Hariharalaya), The monuments of Roluos, which served as the Capital of Indravarman I ( reigned 877-89 ), are among the earliest large, permanent temples built by the Khmers and mark the beginning of khmer classical art. Visit Preah Ko, erected by Indravarman I in the late in the late 9th century dedicated by the King to his ancestors in 880- Bakong, the largest and most interesting of the Roluos Group temple, with his active Buddhist monastery just to the North of the east entrance- Lolei, the four brick towers, a replica of the towers of Preah Ko, built on an islet in the center of a large reservoir-now rice fields, by Yasovarman I, the founder to the first city at Angkor.
Lunch at local restuarant
PM Leave for tour of Angkor Wat and sunset at Bakheng Hill Build between the 9th and 14th centuries, the city of Angkor is one of the grandest monuments ever constructed. The entire complex covers approximately 164sq miles with over 200 temples. Among the 30 temples that are accessible today, the most famous is Angkor Wat, the largest religions building in the world, with a volume of stone equaling that of the Cheops pyramid in Egypt.
Conceived by Suryavarman II early 12th century, Angkor Wat took an estimated 30 years to build. Unlike most other Khmer temples, it faces West, the most likely reason is because the temple was dedicated to Vishnu, who is sometimes associated with the West.
Phnom Bakheng, late 9th century was the state temple of the first capital of Angkor. Begin the ascent from the east side at the foot of the hill close to the road. The view from the top is magnificent, particularly of Angkor Wat to the South East and is the most popular spot for tourist at sunset. The three prominent hills of the area, Phnom Bakheng, Phnom Krom and Phnom Bok were all crowned with temples at the same period. Transferred back to Central Boutique Angkor Hotel
Day 2
Breakfast at Central Boutique Angkor Hotel, Restaurant. AM Leave for tour of Angkor Thom (comprising of the Bayon Temple, Terrace of Leper King and the Elephant Terrace). The city of Angkor Thom, founded by Jayavarman VII in the 12th century, was one of the largest of all Khmer cities and remained the capital until the 17th century. We enter the city through the monumental south gate, its tower feature four faces pointing in each of cardinal directions with the elephants holding up the main gate, preceded by a no less impressive Avenue of Gods and asuras lining the bridge across the structure moat. The Bayon or state temple of Jayavarman II is one of the most enigmatic and power religious constructions in the world. It is a unique mass of “ faces tower” which create a stone-mountain of ascending peaks. There were originally 49 towers of which 37are still standing today. Most are carved with four faces on each cardinal point. The central tower has many more. The Elephant Terrace is at the heart of Angkor Thom and looks out overage Royal spare. It marks the entrance to the Royal Palace and was the focal point for Royal receptions. The Carving of the elephants along its Walls gives it its modern name.
Terrace of Leper King, This massive terrace is named after the 15th century sculpture that was discovered on top of it. It probably dates back to the reign of Jayavarman VII and has been restored in a manner, which allows visitors to explore the earliest to most recent additions by actually entering the internal layers of the structure.
Lunch at local restuarant
PM In the afternoon, transfer to the archaeological site and continue the temple tours Ta Phrom, was built in the 12th century by Jayavarman VII as a royal monastery. It was dedicated to the king’s mother. This temple, was chosen to be left in its natural state as an example of how most of Angkor looked, upon its rediscovery in the 18th century. Shrouded in jungle, the temple of Ta Phrom is ethereal in aspect and conjures up a romantic aura with gigantic roots and branches intimately intertwined with the stoned and probing walls to form a natural roof above the man made structures. Then, visit Takeo, Thommanon and Chau Say Tevoda Transferred back to Central Boutique Angkor Hotel.
Day 3
Breakfast at Central Boutique Angkor Hotel, Restaurant. AM In the morning, you will continue your temple visit, including Prasat Kravan with unique brick sculptures, Pre Rup, the mountain temple, Ta Som, Neak Pean, a foundation built in the middle of a pool and representing the paradisiacal Himalayan mountain-lake, Eatern Mebon, guarded at its corner by stone figures of harnessed elephants, some of which are still in a reasonable state of preservation. Preah Khan, built in the 12th century was one of Jayavarman VII’s largest projects dedicated to his father. Preah khan was much more than a temple with over 1,000 teachers it appears also to have been a Buddhist university as well as a considerable city. Preah Khan is located on the western edge of its own long baray, the Jayatataka, and a terraced landing stage at the end of the temple W-E axis access to the lake with a moat surrounding the city. The third enclosure bounded by another laterite wall is the grandest with four gorupas and located within the enclosure is the Hall of Dancers decorated with friezes of dancing Apsaras. You can cross Preah khan from East to West or vice versa. As you walk, be aware by the magnificent stone sculptures of giant garudas, each one grasping the tail of naga, its traditional enemy, in each hand.
The restoration of Preah Khan is currently undertaken by the World Monuments Fund, a US based foundation. Raffles International is a patron of this foundation.
Lunch at local restaurant
PM Visit to the floating village of Chong Khneas, located 10 kilometers south of Siem Reap. Visit village and take boat trip in a traditional wooden boat on the Tonle Sap Lake, the great lake of Cambodia, one of the wonders of Asia. Transferred back to Central Boutique Angkor Hotel
Day 4
Breakfast at Central Boutique Angkor Hotel, Restaurant. AM Morning, drive to the Kulen Mountain range, walk 45 minutes through the forest to the top of the hill to reach Kbal Span, the Thousand Linga River, discover the 10th-12th century sculptures chiseled from the rocky riverbed, the Royal Bath and the waterfall and then, continuation to the enchanting temple of Banteay Srei is the “Citadel of Women” or “Citadel of Beauty” presumably referring to its size and the delicacy of its decoration. Unlike the major sites at Angkor, Banteay Srei was not a royal temple. It was built not by the kings, but by Brahmin Priests. Often described in terms as the “Jewel of Khmer Art”, Banteay Srei is a temple of great beauty, and compares with little else in Angkor. Its miniature scale almost always surprises visitors, and the near total decoration of its surfaces are exceptional. For its protection, the most inner spaces of the temple are closed to public. Lunch at local retuarant Free and easy
Day 5
Breakfast at Central Boutique Angkor Hotel, Restaurant. AM In the morning, you will continue your temple visit, including, Banteay Samre, built in the third quarter of the 12th century. It consists of a central temple with four wings preceded by a hall and accompanied by two libraries, the southern example remarkably well preserved. Two concentric walls enclose the ensemble, Srah Srang, “the pool of Ablutions” which was doubtless used for ritual bathing, Banteay Kdei, surrounded by 4 concentric walls.
Lunch at local restuarant
PM Arts & Crafts School, Les Artisan and Local Markets This school is a joint venture between the Cambodian and French governments to train young Cambodians to acquire skill in traditional sandstone carving, wood work and silk weaving. A showroom displays samples of their works which are for sales. Made to order pieces are also available. Raffles International is a patron of the school, providing both educational supports for its students and an outlet to sell the crafts made by them. City tour, visit traditional market and around Siem Reap Return to Central Boutique Angkor Hotel
Price information: One day pass US$37.00 per person English Speaking Tour Guide at US$35.00 per day Transportation Rental with Driver US$15.00 per day for Tuk Tuk US$35.00 per day for Car US$40.00 per day for Van
* Some additional charges may apply for transportation to more distant temples such as Banteay Srei. Please inquire at the Reception Counter for full details.
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